Deadline - February 17th
EPICIRQ is a showcase for Baltic professional circus, that this year will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on October 4th to 8th. The aim of the event is reaching out to new spectators, opening discussions and putting together, what Baltic circus is and could be.
EPICIRQ is open for applications from Baltic artists from January 5th to February 17th. The chosen performances will be announced by March 10th
If you would like to perform at the event and do match the requirements, then do not hesitate to fill in the application!
Requirements for the applicant:
At least one of the group members is either a citizen or a resident of Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania
We only accept technically high level professional contemporary circus performances
The show must be suitable either for the big hall (width 12m; depth up to 12m; height to light bridges and rigging points 7,9m) or the fuajee (14m width and 11m depth) of Sakala3 Theatre
The technical rider must include requirements for space, rigging, lights and sound, need for helpers, list of props, description of set up and take down actions and time. Please consider that many performances will be played after another, so be accurate with predicting set up and take down time.
When applying for a full length performance, a complete video of the show must be added, when applying for pitch/work in progress presentation, add relevant materials of the earlier creation/trailer/rehearsal material.
The show must be tourable at least around European countries
EPICIRQ offers:
Rehearsal time on stage varying from 1 hour to 3 hours
Support in light design beforehand and during the rehearsals and performance
A stage manager + rigging support at the place
Presentation in a live programme, where we welcome local and international festival organisers, venue managers, funding agents, writers, art students and regular (circus loving) audience
EPICIRQ does NOT offer:
Travel costs to Tallinn
Accommodation in Tallinn
Chosen applicants are expected to:
Be part of stage building, help with any kind of rigging solutions (if needed in their show), be clear about their needs and possibilities and be in general kind and helpful in the process.
Reserve the time for performances, rehearsals and video-recordings from October 4th to 8th (if possible, then for non-Estonian artists we try to keep the period shorter).
Pay a FEE of 50 € per person for participation
In case of any questions please write to info.epicirq@gmail.com or call +372 580 66199